Misha the Bear Vintage

Misha the Bear Vintage
Vintage items from Russia and the former USSR

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Soviet Cartoons: Nu, Pogodi!

Almost every cartoon series has a major rivalry going on between the two main characters, from Tom and Jerry to Road Runner and Wiley E. Coyote. Soviet cartoons are not exempt from this, "Nu, pogodi!" in particular. "Nu, pogodi!" focuses on the rivalry between a little hare and a wolf. The wolf concocts elaborate schemes to catch the unsuspecting hare, which end up failing in some spectacular way. Each show ends with the wolf shaking his fist and crying, "Nu....po-go-di!!!" (Well, just you wait!)

The Wolf is quite a character. Aside from his usual hijinks to snare the hare, he plays the guitar, smokes, and rides a motorcycle. He is also quite fashionable: his trademark pants are his bell bottoms.

Because there is almost no dialogue aside from the "nu, pogodi!" cry at the end of each show, non-Russian speakers can watch the show without problems.You can watch a few episodes below:

We also have some Nu, Pogodi collectible pins in our shop. Here's one with the wolf trying to "romance" the hare, available here:

And here's one of the hare himself, available here:

We'll have more Nu, Pogodi pins available in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

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